Thursday, October 15, 2009


This week's game is at 8 a.m. Saturday (10/17) at Hickory Middle School vs. Norfolk United Sharks (arrive by 7:30; wear white jersey\socks; have blue jersey available).

You can check on game cancellations at Chesapeake fields by calling the following number on game days: 222-2289. It's a recorded hotline that is updated when there are rainouts.

Practice is Friday at 5:30 at Indian River.

Some dates to hold:
- Nov. 7 - 8: League Championship Tournament. Multiple games played over the two days.

- Nov. 14-15: Rain makeup date for leaghue championship tournament, if necessary.

- Nov. 21 - 22: Chesapeake Challenge Cup Tournament. Hold these dates for this regional tournament, played in Chesapeake. We will discuss costs soon. The total team entry fee is $450, and we may decide as a group to apply some team funds to this. This is the Fall tournament most parents preferred to participate in.

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